• 12-person team of expert engineers

  • 2X increase in dev productivity

  • $700,000 per year saved on external vendor


PartyLite had been successfully working with an external systems integrator, but wanted to take the digitalisation of their candle retail and ecommerce businesses to the next level, and shine brighter than the competition. In order to maintain a world-class ecommerce platform — a necessity in the industry-wide race to digital-first business — PartyLite needed an elite engineering team in house to cease their reliance on third parties. The problem? The acute talent shortage in the United States. They simply couldn’t find developers with the required technical skills at home. That’s where The Scalers stepped in…

partylite logo
  • Location: Norwell, USA
  • Industry: Ecommerce
  • Number of employees: 800+
  • Partnership since: 2021

Building the team

Finding 'the smarter way to go offshore’

After unsatisfying partnerships with outsourcing vendors, PartyLite wanted an in-house ecommerce team. But they couldn’t find the elite Magento engineers they needed in The States. After using the power of Google, their CDIO Patrick discovered The Scalers and their unique model. Already sold on the idea of an offshore development team, a round of collaborative conversations with The Scalers’ CEO and Director of Strategic Partnerships ensued, and the decision to extend PartyLite’s engineering team to India was made and a roadmap put in place.


Lighting the wick

With an initial team of five or six Magento engineers planned, The Scalers began by hiring a lead developer who would be the key hire for the initial establishment of PartyLite Bangalore. Using their tried-and-trusted recruitment model, they sourced over 500 candidates to assemble a team of developers that were truly the cream of the crop. And, having an in-house team ensured PartyLite could finally build capability and knowledge inside of their business.

Tried and trusted recruitment model
position hired

Positions hired:

  • Lead Developer
  • Senior Developers
  • Senior Frontend Developer
  • Senior Quality Analysts
  • EDI Developer


  • Magento
  • JDE
  • Drupal
  • Mulesoft

Running operations

PartyLite powers through the pandemic

Due to the partnership beginning during the pandemic, opening a new office space in Bangalore, India wasn’t feasible in these circumstances. So, The Scalers’ Partner Success team stepped in to make the remote onboarding process as smooth as possible — and providing PartyLite-branded welcome packs and top-class equipment to all the incoming engineers. Alongside continual engagement of the new hires, there was mental health support provided by The Scalers to help developers changing jobs during the tricky times of the pandemic.

remote onboarding process

A secure environment

PartyLite worked incredibly closely with The Scalers IT department to ensure that the tech equipment assigned met their strict protocols. This encompassed VPN access, antivirus and other intrusion prevention platforms, authentication requirements, and ensuring correct access levels for the new team.

Secure environment
building tech teams ebook

Combating the North American skills gap

How US and Canadian businesses can leverage global talent to scale without limits


Scaling without limits

The Scalers’ model proves its value

After hiring the initial team of Magento developers, PartyLite took the opportunity enabled by The Scalers’ model to hire two additional JDE developers. In a short span of time, The Scalers’ newly built team was able to take over from PartyLite’s large, third-party systems integrator. In the process, transitioning all the knowledge and technical skills to PartyLite’s in-house setup — saving the business over $700,000 a year on external costs.

PartyLite's Large third party integrator

PartyLite Bangalore continues to grow

The question of whether it was possible to deliver at speed while working fully remote had been answered. It was indeed possible, and it’s been a phenomenal success. Despite initial plans to hire a team of five or six, PartyLite Bangalore consistently proves its value and currently stands at 12 — with hiring showing no signs of slowing down. The existing team includes lead and senior developers across multiple technologies, alongside several senior quality assurance engineers. They’re engaged, and looking forward to frequent visits from Patrick and the rest of PartyLite’s leadership.

PartyLite Bangalore continue to grow

A partnership shaped for success

The Scalers’ commitment to creating a team which complements the one in the US has resulted in seamless integration, and PartyLite becoming totally self-sufficient with zero third-party vendor support. Having in-house capability has enabled PartyLite to move faster as a business — achieving development milestones sooner, with the capability to deliver at pace. With ambitious plans for the coming year with new features, functionalities, and capabilities being added to their platform to deliver an improved customer experience — the Bangalore team looks set to play a key role in their future success.

Partnership shaped for success

PartyLite shines brighter

Building a team in-house has given PartyLite more control and autonomy over their development cycle, no longer relying on outside expertise. And, by leveraging The Scalers’ unique recruitment and operational approach on the ground afforded them the opportunity to upgrade on the skills they’d previously been reliant upon. The new team in Bangalore is 100% dedicated, in possession of the elite skills needed to help PartyLite level up, and totally aligned and engaged with the business.

PartyLite shines brighter

Long-term wins

Increased control over development lifecycle

Skills upgraded and expertise kept 100% in-house

New platform enhancements in the hands of users