Johnson Health Tech accelerates delivery with Bangalore ODC

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  • 8-engineer ODC established

  • 100% increase in web team delivery

  • 24/7 development capabilities


Every second of every day, someone is using a piece of Johnson Health Tech equipment to better themselves. Ensuring their users can access their equipment requires constant support and staying ahead of the competition demands constant development. To achieve round the clock operations and reduce the strain on their existing North American and Taiwanese development teams, Johnson Health Tech wanted to establish a team in India. As they explored their options, they discovered The Scalers.

partner logo
  • Location: Taipei, Taiwan
  • Industry: Manufacturing/Fitness
  • Number of employees: 1,100
  • Partnership since: 2021
Jen Hansen
Senior Web R&D Manager, Johnson Health Tech

The Scalers are different from other partners I’ve worked with in the past as I don’t have to worry about any of the legal issues; any of the HR issues; any of the IT issues; or any of the building requirements. All I have to do is get up and go at the scale and the speed that I need to.


Building the team

Choosing the people-first approach

Johnson Health Tech’s Head of Web Development could immediately see the difference between The Scalers and other partners. Unlike low-quality offshoring partners which treated employees as disposable resources, The Scalers put people first and delivered equal experiences to all employees. This was a major factor for Johnson Health Tech. They needed quality developers who would work in close alignment with the rest of the web development team on challenging tasks.

Choosing the people-first approach

Starting small, starting with quality

After some conversations with The Scalers’ leadership and Partner Success team, they agreed to start with a test team of three web developers to establish if The Scalers model would work for them. In order to ensure they got the right fit, Johnson Health Tech asked to be more involved in the hiring process than usual which The Scalers obliged.

Starting small, starting with quality

Finding the right cultural fit

Finding the first three candidates took just over 6 weeks as candidates went through The Scalers’ 7-step recruitment process. The benefits were clear as Johnson Health Tech’s stakeholders were impressed with the technical expertise of the candidates The Scalers put forward. This allowed them to focus on finding candidates who went beyond the typical web development process and had the right cultural fit.

Finding the right cultural fit
position hired

Positions hired:

  • Web Engineer
  • Web Quality Automation Engineer
  • Software Engineer


  • Javascript
  • Kotlin
  • HTML
  • MongoDB
  • CSS
  • Dynamo DB
  • Node.js
  • AWS
  • Express.js
  • GIT

Running operations

Onboarding remotely, growing together

The new team started during lockdowns for the Covid-19 pandemic but that wasn’t an issue for The Scalers. They had established remote onboarding processes for other partners and took care of everything; from sourcing and deliver branded welcome packs and equipment to new joiners to getting everyone onto Johnson Health Tech’s systems and instilling their culture. Once restrictions were lifted and Johnson Health Tech decided to move back to in-person working, The Scalers secured a dedicated, modern office space in their business centre.

Onboarding remotely

A fully aligned and engaged team

Once the initial team was in place, The People and Culture team, including a dedicated Chief Happiness Officer, were constantly in touch with employees, acting as Johnson Health Tech’s eyes and ears on the ground. This was essential in helping Johnson Health Tech work out the right setup to bridge the time zone difference between their teams. Once aligned, they continued providing engagement and support to Johnson Health Tech’s team and ensured all the web team had to worry about was delivering the best customer experience.

engaged team
our model

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Learn more about our model – the smarter way to go offshore


Scaling without limits

Accelerating development

The quality of the Bangalore team immediately impressed and Johnson Health Tech realised they were on the cusp of something great. While initially planned to help bridge development between existing teams, Johnson Health Tech decided to expand from a team extension to a dedicated scrum team. By working independently they could accelerate development by focusing on their own issues.

Accelerating development

Expanding development

By the end of 2022, the team in Bangalore were seen as an exemplar with the CEO keen to use The Scalers model for all future expansion. In 2023, the broader R&D department set up their first team in Bangalore bringing the total number of developers to 8. Johnson Health Tech is planning to continue expanding both teams to at least 11 employees by the end of 2024 and then continue to expand to 20 in 2025. This would allow them to develop additional products working on a 24/7 development cycle, something only possible thanks to their partnership with The Scalers.

Expanding development

Sustainable growth


Initial team extension of 3 Web Engineers starts


Expands to independent scrum team of 5


8 employees including new software dev team


11 Engineers covering multiple products


Planned expansion to 20 to cover more product development


Johnson Health Tech’s development is fit

Johnson Health Tech’s new team has exceeded expectations and established Bangalore as the hub for its future expansion. The quality and character of the employees meant that they delivered more value than the initial vision of acting as a stopgap in development. With more new hires soon to enable follow-the-sun development, support additional products, and leverage the high return-on-investment for the company’s research and development.

Long-term wins

Upgraded from legacy tech stack

First choice location for new tech hires

Moving product to 24/7 development