CTO guide: Go from outsourced help to long-term tech teams


Set up a top tech team to support your business's long-term growth
Transition from outsourcing to offshoring

CTOs, VPs of Engineering, and other tech leaders turn to outsourcing and offshoring when they can’t find local talent with the right skills. This ebook explores both approaches to building tech teams, their pros and cons, and why offshoring is becoming popular among those looking for elite engineers who fully share a company’s mission and vision.

What will you learn?

  • The difference between outsourcing and offshoring and what model best fits your business needs.
  • The top locations to hire tech talent with the niche skills you can’t get at home — including Bangalore, ‘The Silicon Valley of Asia’.
  • The exact steps to choose the right partner that will help you build, extend, and scale your tech team.
  • The unique (and proven) model that helped two renowned FinTech and MarTech companies grow their tech teams from a few engineers to over 100 specialists
Transition from outsourcing to offshoring
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