Introducing: ‘Transition from outsourcing to offshoring’ — A guide on building resilient tech teams

building your tech team ebook

CTOs, VPs of Engineering, CEOs, and Founders all share a common challenge: finding the right engineering talent to support their organisations’ long-term growth. In other words, they struggle with building resilient tech teams.

At The Scalers, we know this firsthand. Over the past 10+ years, we’ve built over 80 tech teams for our partners and had countless conversations with business leaders about their needs.

We often hear they fail to discern between offshoring and outsourcing — two of the most popular engagement and hiring models. Some have tried outsourcing with not-so-good results, while others are still exploring their options and don’t (really) know what route to take.

Motivated by both groups, we’ve released an ebook to help them identify the right model for finding elite talent suited to their business needs.

Go from outsourced help to long-term tech teams

Hire niche tech talent and set up a team abroad that feels in-house


Here are some of the key insights to help guide your development strategies. 

Outsourcing and offshoring aren’t the same

Tech and business leaders tend to use outsourcing and offshoring interchangeably, but these are two different approaches to building teams:

  • Outsourcing means hiring a third party locally or internationally for short-term needs or temporary projects.
  • Offshoring involves relocating operations to another country to access specialised skills and lower costs, making it ideal for long-term needs and sustained partnerships.

For example, a CTO seeking help for a quick product release might opt for outsourcing and hire project-based software developers for a few months.

However, if the same CTO wants to extend their in-house team with dedicated developers possessing niche skills, they might decide to go offshore.

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Sneak peek

In Transition from outsourcing to offshoring, we explain how outsourcing and offshoring have transformed the way organisations find, hire, onboard, and work with engineers.

Inside, readers will find the key differences between these models, along with a checklist and roadmap to help determine the best approach to building tech teams for their business goals.

Plus, they’ll get valuable insights into where to hire world-class engineers.

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How growing companies are building resilient tech teams

As organisations grow, tech and business leaders often prefer in-house teams over external ones.

Why? In-house teams offer a stable work environment, quick access to expertise, and better alignment with company needs, contributing to long-term resilience.

For example, a business might start by outsourcing developers for short projects. This helps with initial product launches but can lead to scalability issues as they expand.

Eventually, they might set up a dedicated offshore team to handle tech needs. This way, they’ll improve communication with their team and get professionals who align with the business’s evolving goals.

When done right, offshoring provides an ‘in-house feel’ that outsourcing can’t offer.

Go from short-term help to long-term engineers

Transition from outsourcing to offshoring is for you if you’re looking for a tech team to drive your business’s next growth phase. It’s also helpful to explore what offshoring can offer your organisation, even if you’re still considering other options, like outsourcing.

tech team

What will you learn?

  • How outsourcing and offshoring differ from one another, their pros and cons, and what model can satisfy your unique requirements.
  • Where the best locations are to search, find, and hire tech talent with the specialised skills you can’t get locally — including Bangalore, ‘The Silicon Valley of Asia.’
  • What steps you must take to pick the right partner to help you build, extend, and scale your new tech team.
  • What the unique (and proven) model is that has helped top FinTech and MarTech companies build teams that have supported flagship product launches and driven their companies to the top of their industries.

Download our latest report for deeper insights into setting up a top tech team to support your business’s long-term growth.